Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Round Ice Cubes

This is a short story about my four-year-old niece, Taylor on one of many visits to my house.She never ceases to amaze me with her innocence. On one particular visit, my husband was in the living room and I was watching TV in my room. My husband gave Taylor the glass he was drinking from and told her “Take this glass to Aunt Sooie and tell her I want some ice.” So Taylor, following his instructions, brought me the glass and said “Sooie, Uncle Bill wants some ice.” I took the glass from her, proceeded to the kitchen, fixed the glass of ice, then I handed the glass back to Taylor and told her “Take this to Uncle Bill.” Taylor returned the glass back to her uncle Bill. Several minutes went by and Taylor returned to my room, glass in hand. I asked her, “What is it?” and with a confused look on her face she replied,"Uncle Bill wants ROUND ice cubes” I said what? She said again “Uncle Bill wants ROUND ice cubes.” Well that was it, I didn’t know what was going on because I don’t have ROUND ice cubes. So I walked into the living where upon entering there was my husband, red faced pointed his finger at me to wait a minute. So I stood there watching him gain his composure, finally he said “this is good” I told Taylor to, "take this glass back, I wanted round ice cubes,' so she picked it up. The next thing I knew, she was walking by me, and then she did it again, on her third pass of making a complete circle through the house I asked, “Taylor what are you doing?” she said “Uncle Bill you wanted ROUND ice cubes.” This little story of humor from Taylor is just the beginning of many more to come. Submitted by Veronica

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