Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Lists of Ten

Ten Tips For Saving Money
March 2006

1.If you like eating out, try visiting friends and relatives at mealtimes,
It will save you a bundle on groceries and the use of electricity.
2.Some stores have food sample days you can go on those days and sample all you want.
3.You can bum rides from your friends and family, that will save you gas.
4.Another option is to walk.
5.Do you really need cable or satellite? How many times do you
need to see that rerun?
6.Since you don’t watch TV anymore try fixing things around the home, it
saves from getting a repair person.
7.To save on presents ,re-gift, just make sure you do not give the same person back the gift they gave you.
8.To save on water, share your shower with that special someone.
9.Do less laundry by wearing clothes more than once.
10.There are many imaginative ways to save money just remember, not to depriveyourself of the things you enjoy like a good piece of chocolate.
Submitted by Jo

Thursday, March 09, 2006
Ten examples of sorriness
1. Knowing something needs doing and not doing it,
2. Not putting forth an effort to do or help someone when they are in
3. Putting stuff off, then never doing them.
4. Lying in bed all day when you are not sick.
5. Not taking care of one's self.
6. Not taking care of your children, (that's just plain sorriness)
7. Wanting something to eat and not cooking.
8. Having cobwebs everywhere and not cleaning them up after you see them.
9. Needing clean clothes and not washing them.

10. Walking on a gritty floor and not sweeping it.
Submitted by Tressa

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