Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Pet Rooster

Story of
My Pet Rooster
When I was about nine years old my family lived on a farm at East Fork. I didn’t go to school on a regular schedule so Ms Williams from the Board of Education would bring me books to read. One of the books was “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. I’d read it and thought I would play some pranks on my parents so I told a few tales to the point that they did not believe anything I had to say, but soon after I would learn my lesson. I had a pet rooster I raised from a chick. I could hold the rooster and it would follow me around everywhere I went. It was reddish brown with shimmering blue and black, green tail feathers. I thought it was the prettiest rooster I had ever seen. So one Sunday morning while the family was still asleep, I went outside to feed and play with my rooster. There was a fox coming toward it so I grabbed the rooster and hollered at the fox to git but it was not afraid of me. So I started running as fast as my skinny legs would go, around the house hollering "Help there’s a fox after me and my rooster." As my legs were about to give out on me, my step-dad came out to tell me to hush that hollering. He saw I wasn’t telling a tale this time and noticed the fox was acting strangely(it had rabies). He started to throw rocks at the fox and told me to put down that #!%*#! rooster, but I wouldn’t. He told me to get in the house, so I ran in the house with my rooster and collapsed on the couch with a stitch in my side. Mom was waiting on me and scolded me good. I didn’t get a whipping but I learned my lesson. I never told tales again and my poor rooster met his demise a few days later. I don’t know what happened, but all there was left of him was those shimmering tail feathers.
The End

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